Here is the summary of the Book of Hosea… Main Idea This book is an illustration of God’s love for His adulterous people as He calls Hosea to marry a harlot and have children with her (Hosea 1:2), and then to buy her out of slavery (Hosea 3:2), in order …
When Christians Renounce Their Faith (John 13:18-38)
Over the last several years, there have been more than a few notable Christians who have publicly stated they are no longer “Christians”. In this message, I answer the question, “How are we to think about this?” as we consider John 13:18-38.
Book of Daniel Summary
Here is the summary of the Book of Daniel… Main Idea As a young man taken captive to Babylon, Daniel lives an uncompromising life and is used by God to reveal the future to government officials and to the people of God. Explanation of Main Idea When Jerusalem was seized …
Book of Ezekiel Summary
Main Idea Ezekiel, through a series of amazing visions, communicates God’s displeasure and coming judgment, but then also brings consolation and news of future restoration of the nation and temple. Explanation of Main Idea Whether a glorious vision of heaven in chapter one, or the famous valley of dry bones …
Book of Jeremiah Summary
Main Idea Over a long period of time, through Jeremiah, God warns his people of their sin through a series of exhortations and rebukes, but when they finally go into captivity, He encourages them with promises of restoration. Explanation of Main Idea Jeremiah’s ministry lasted over eighty years. It was …
Book of Isaiah Summary
Main Idea Isaiah prophesies condemnation for the wicked (Isa. 1:4) and comfort for God’s people (Isa. 40:1), rebuking those who have rejected Him (Isa. 5) and announcing the coming of the Messiah (Isa. 7:14; 9:6-7) and promising future judgment and redemption (Isa. 63-66). Explanation of Main Idea God is not …
2 Ways God Reveals Himself
God has graciously chosen to reveal Himself to fallen humanity. He has done this so that we might reach out and know Him (Acts 17:27). The two ways that God reveals Himself to mankind is in a general sense and in a special sense. General Revelation General revelation consists of …