Have you heard of Tom Westbay? He is a phenomenal songwriter and guitar player. My wife and I once had the privilege of riding in a car with him for about five hours. He told stories the whole way. It was amazing. He wrote a song everybody needs to hear …
The Future of Calvary Chapel
Check out this post by my friend, Josh Turansky, who serves under Pastor Brian Brodersen at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.
“Finding Grace” (Genesis 6-9) Audio
Here’s the audio from the message on the life of Noah: Finding Grace.
Doodle 4 Google Canada Winner: Sea Telescope
Yesterday, it was reported that 17-year-old high school student, Cindy Tang, from Toronto, won the Doodle 4 Google Canada contest. Here’s her drawing, named “Sea Telescope.” You’ll see the doodle on Google Canada’s homepage all day today. The theme of the doodle contest was “If I could invent anything, I …
Nephilim, the Ark, and More: My Research On Genesis 6-9
Yesterday I wrote about five take-aways from the life of Noah. They are spiritual realities that can be applied in all of our lives. If you haven’t read it yet, you can check it out here. I hope it will encourage you! The Bible is a book that is meant …
5 Crucial Truths about Trusting God Today
It’s not news that we are living in wicked times. Life can be hard; living for Jesus can be tough. Have you met Noah? His life is documented in the book of Genesis 6-9. It is so cool that the Bible helps us live life. It gives us information and inspiration …
Your Way or God’s Way?
One of the most encouraging verses in God’s Word is Isaiah 55:8–9. It says, “’For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your …