Your Way or God’s Way?

your way or God's wayOne of the most encouraging verses in God’s Word is Isaiah 55:8–9. It says, “’For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.'”

We can apply this verse to our lives in so many ways. Whether it’s in providing comfort during a tragedy or trying to make sense of a confusing situation, God assures us that His way is often not our way. To be sure, His way is higher and better.

This verse also helps us to make sure that whatever we are attempting to do in our lives, to do it God’s way. In other words, live Biblically. It’s a question of trust. So often we trust in our abilities and experience more than we trust in God. The better way is to trust in God’s Word, to follow His instruction.

As British Bible scholar J.A. Motyer writes, “We are to live under the dominion of the Word of God.”

It’s a life of faith and trust in our loving Father. As many have said, “When you are faced with something you don’t know, fall back on what you do know.” God loves you. He cares about you; He has a plan for your life.

So next time that you are confused about your circumstances, read Isaiah 55:8-9 – and trust Him!


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