Pray About It

“So Moses brought their case before the Lord.” Numbers 27:5 The Lord wants a leader to pray – to really pray. I know we often say “Pray about it,” But we really need to “Pray about it!” You cannot know what God wants in many situations without prayer. It’s been …

The REAL Noah

What can we learn from Noah? Not the movie, but the man. The account of his life is recorded in Genesis 6-9. This post is not a review of the film. If you’d like to read reviews, you can read this or this or listen to this. When it comes to the …

Falling On Your Face

“So when Moses heard it, he fell on his face.” (Numbers 16:4) Moses was an incredible leader. In the book of Numbers 12-16, we see him deal with gossip, rebellion, and disobedience within the congregation. His response, usually, was to fall on his face and pray to the Lord. This …

Why You Should Feel Loved… (Spoiler: Jesus Wants You!)

“And He went up on the mountain and called to HIm those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him…that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.”  Mark 3:13-14 These verses amaze me! It’s speaking of the time that Jesus called the twelve. He …

A New Book! Direction: Discovering & Living the Will of God

We are happy to announce the release of Pastor Pat’s new book, Direction: Discovering & Living the Will of God. Check out what some are saying about it: “You can’t get the right answers without asking the right questions. In this book Pat teaches you the right questions to ask and …

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What’s Your Verse of the Day?

One spiritual discipline that is a tremendous help in practicing the presence of God throughout the day is picking one verse from your morning quiet time and “carry it with you”. It is a practice that has been very helpful in my life. After all, the Bible never tells us …