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4 Ways to Keep Yourself from Falling Into Sin

I have been asking recently, “How do I keep myself from falling into sin?” Counting the people that I know in ministry that have made some pretty massive mistakes, losing their ministries in the process, averages out to about one every two years. These are not all “big names”; most are …

My Mom

It was the Saturday before Thanksgiving. 1984. I was seventeen. It was the last day I would see my mom alive. I was in my room playing my guitar. Singing songs to Jesus. I might have been praying or reading my Bible. Mom and I had talked earlier that day …

The Will of God: The Story Behind Why I Wrote a Book About Finding It

Most Christians, at some point in their life, wrestle through the question of “What is the will of God for my life?” Have you ever voiced that concern? I certainly have. Over the years, I have found that the more you get to know God’s word, the more crystal clear …

On Mission to Serve the Poor (Guest Post by Mike Neels)

I have been privileged over the last couple of years to get to know Mike Neels. He is a church planter. God has laid on hisheart to plant a Calvary Chapel church in the city of St. Catharines, Ontario, about an hour from where I live, in Oakville, near Toronto. …

Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus No Matter What

Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart.” If you were someone who was touched by the ministry of Bob Coy and Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, your heart is hurting right now. Yesterday, I wrote some thoughts I had about his resignation. (You can …

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Responding to the Resignation of Pastor Bob Coy

I learned this morning that Bob Coy, pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, resigned due to moral failure. It hit me hard; I was shocked, floored. (You can read the statement from the church here.) I came to know the Lord through the ministry of Calvary Chapel in Las Vegas, …