Christianity is all about NEW BEGINNINGS. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says it wonderfully: “If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, and the NEW has come.” Through the power of God, you and I can be forgiven and begin a new life. Forgiveness always brings …
To A World Without Terror
When I was a child, I rarely, if ever, heard the word “terror”. Oh, I’m sure I read it in some book at some point, or heard it in a passing sentence in a movie. But I never recall having my parents explain to me what a “terrorist” was. Perhaps …
Why is there Suffering in the World?
I, like you, am no stranger to suffering. My mom died my senior year of high school. My sister died of breast cancer a couple years before that. She was 33. She left behind to young kids. My nephew got hit by a car and died when he was 16. …
Operation Christmas Child
Here’s a video we shot last year in Costa Rica with the amazing folks at Samaritan’s Purse Canada.
What happens after death?
One of the big questions that people have is “What happens after I die?” Maybe you’ve asked that question. Some believe in reincarnation, that you will come back into this world, perhaps as another life form or in a different body. This is a common belief in Hinduism, Buddhism, and …
The One Sin That Can’t Be Forgiven
Jesus is so loving and gracious. He forgives all our sin. His love pursues us. In the kingdom of God, you will find people who have been guilty of all sorts of misdeeds, abominations, and wicked actions. From fornication to murder, to pride and anger and yelling and violence. From …
Feeling Inadequate?
It is a common feeling this feeling of inadequacy. But we must move beyond it if we are to serve the Lord. We are inadequate. Accept it. Believe it. It will always be so. But also believe that God would not have placed you where you are, if He did …