You Undeniably Need Music In Your Life

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote, “The object of all music should be the glory of God and pleasant recreation.”

It is no accident that the largest book in our Bible is a songbook, the book of Psalms. And did you notice that it is in the very centre of your bible?

I believe God designed His Word this way for a reason.

For someone who, for the first time, picks up a Bible out of desperation, crying out for God, they will likely open it to the middle. If they do, they will find comfort for their soul, the very thing God is eager to give.

When I am discouraged and I know not where to turn, I open to the book of Psalms and read lyrics like,

Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love,
so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. (Psalm 90:14)

Or Psalm 40:1-3:

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.

He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the LORD.

(If you are interested in learning more about the book of Psalms, you can check out one of these messages. They’re quite old, so please go easy on me!)

It’s one thing to read these words, and how they bring encouragement to the beat-up pilgrim.

It’s a whole different experience to sing these words. Something special happens when you sing. It takes vulnerability and it opens your soul, I believe, to a significant connection with God.

Harvard Medical published an article about the health benefits of music. It’s a pretty comprehensive look at how listening to music is beneficial academically, helps us deal with stress, and improves our medical recovery in surgery!

I believe this is how God designed us: we benefit from music. This is also true spiritually. In somewhat of a mysterious way, God created music for us to become closer to Him.

(I also mentioned the benefit of music in bringing the presence of God in this post.)

So how about you?

Grab your headphones or crank up your amp and go spend some time with God!

Share in the comments: what’s your favorite worship song?

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