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An Introduction to the Book of Revelation

At the beginning of 2012, it was in the news that someone was predicting the world would end right around December 21, 2012. This date corresponded to the end of the ancient Mayan Calendar. It would have run 5,126 years, beginning in the year 3114 B.C.. Do the math and …

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If Jesus had a Résumé

Have you ever thought about Jesus qualifications to be our Savior? Have you ever considered who He really is? In this message, I explore Colossians 1:15-23, one of the great Christological passages in the bible. Here’s the passage: Colossians 1:15-23 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the …

Decision Making

It’s something we do every day. In the book of Acts, the church was faced with making a BIG decision–choosing a new Apostle. The picked Matthias. It’s very interesting how they did it. In this video, I talk about five facets incorporated into their decision making process. They are community, …

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Starting a Group

Are you part of a small group? Being part of a good, Christian small group, life group, or home fellowship, can be life-changing. We were not meant to do life alone. We need people to love us and we need people in our life that we can love. Christian small …

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How to Have a Quiet Time

I have known Betty for a LONG time. Janet and I count her and her husband, Nilson, among our closest friends. I have always respected her walk with the Lord and I thought it would be a great idea to ask her some questions about the habits that she maintains …

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Spiritual Disciplines

I sat down with Pastor Min Lee of L.A. City Baptist Church to discuss the topic of spiritual disciplines. I’ve known Pastor Min for years and I have much respect for him. His teaching, his family, his walk with the Lord is really special. I asked him what does he …