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Jesus and the Seahawks

The Bible teaches us that each one has been given a gift. We are to use the gifts that we have been given to minister, or to serve. Whatever we do, however we serve God, we are to do it with the strength that God provides. As we do that, …

What True Love Doesn’t Do

“…when one Christian truly loves his fellow Christian, he will not publish abroad his failings, but will cover them up from the sight of others. How much gossip is eliminated when we love each other!” (Wuest, K. S.)

Average Canadian Debt is….What?!

I was shocked to find out recently that the average individual Canadian consumer debt is over $27,000. And it’s on the increase! This figure does not include mortgage debt. The study was done by the folks at TransUnion. I first read the article on the Globe and Mail’s website. It …

How I Pray

As Christians, we should pray. Better said, we get to pray. We are able to approach “the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (See Hebrews 4:16.) I have mentioned to the church I pastor, that we have a VIP access …

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This One Practice Can Transform Your Walk With God

Seneca the Elder was a Roman teacher and writer. He lived from 54 B.C to 39 A.D. He was known for his ability to repeat long passages of speeches that he heard only heard once before. In fact, he would impress his class of 200 students by having each one …

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Principles of Christian Money Management

We all have money. And we need to use it properly. Jesus had a lot to say about this topic. Here are my notes from a message that I watched which was given by the (former) administrator of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. I hope it is a blessing to you. Prayer …

Wasting Life with Sin

“Let us look back on our wasted years, and give no more precious moments to serve the corruptible flesh. Further, the life of submission to the animal nature is characteristic of ‘the Gentiles,’ and in sharp contrast, therefore, to that proper to Christ’s followers. That is as true today, in …