Jesus and the Seahawks

The Bible teaches us that each one has been given a gift. We are to use the gifts that we have been given to minister, or to serve. Whatever we do, however we serve God, we are to do it with the strength that God provides. As we do that, and this is the incredible part, God is glorified.

As we use our gifts to serve others, 1 Peter 4:10 teaches us that God’s grace is being displayed. I love the phrase “manifold grace.” It is a multi-faceted grace. God’s grace through the use of my gifts will look different that God’s grace being manifest through the use of your gifts. Put all the body of Christ together as we use our gifts and you see the grace of God as He is glorified.

I love football. My favourite NFL team has been and always will be the Seattle Seahawks. I was born in Seattle and ever since I can remember I have followed and loved the Seahawks.

Jim Zorn Seahawks quarterbackAs a young man, about 11 or 12, I wrote a letter to the then quarterback of Seattle, Jim Zorn. I got a letter back from him, or at least an autographed picture. Underneath his signature on the picture, he wrote this: Phil. 4:13. That’s a bible verse. It says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

That meant much to me; it was a witness. It showed me that God was real and He was part of the life of someone that I looked up to.

Right now, the Seahawks have the best record in the NFL. I was encouraged to watch the video, “Making of a Champion.” It seems like God is working within the players on this team. While I don’t know much about the history of the making of this video, I do know that they gave out close to 30,000 free copies at a Seahawks game.

To me, this is an example of using the ability that God has given you for His glory.


  1. Pingback: Seattle Seahawks: The Making of a Champion | Pastor Pat Sieler

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