Comfort means to encourage. It comes from the Greek word, parakaleo which means “to come alongside of”. To comfort someone is to walk alongside of them during their difficulty. Sometimes, many times, it’s just being there. Words are not always necessary. Think about the times that you have been through a …
Happy Resurrection Day!
Tomorrow is Easter. During this time of year the average American will spend over $140.00 things like chocolate bunnies and jellybeans. That’s a whopping total of $16.4 billion dollars! (source) Whether or not you spend your money on cards or candy, make sure you take time to remember that Jesus …
Do You Have Time to Listen to a Sixty Minute Sermon? How About a ONE Minute Sermon?
I recently read that we spend ninety minutes a day on the phone. All of that time is not spent in actually calling people. Using your cell phone to make a call is actually sixth on the list behind web browsing, using apps, checking social media, and gaming. How are you spending …
Here’s the Audio Track for our New Invite.
Eventually, we will be showing some short videos as part of a pre-show for movies in the cinema where our church meets. For now, this audio track will accompany some slides. Pray that God uses it!
Six Questions to Ask Yourself About Following Jesus
How do you follow Jesus? Last Sunday at the church I pastor, I preached a sermon about following Jesus. We are going through the gospel of Matthew on Sunday mornings; I was at Matthew 4:18-22. Jesus calls four fishermen to follow Him. They all do so immediately. Together at Calvary, …
The God Who Forgets
“For I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more.” (Jeremiah 31:34) Divine forgetfulness. God chooses to forget our sin. How I wish I could do this – forget my sin, or forget the sins of others. By God’s grace, I don’t remember all of the …
The Awesome One is With Me
Have you ever felt discouraged? Have you ever felt like all of your efforts to accomplish something, or even to just get through the day were painfully ineffective? I think we’ve all been there. The prophet Jeremiah walked that road, too. His faithful ministry of heralding God’s Word landed him …