noah found grace

Finding Grace

Genesis 6:8 says that “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

Grace is one of the richest words in the Christian vocabulary and in Biblical language. It’s first occurrence in the Bible is in the verse quoted above. Perhaps you’ve heard the definition of Grace using the five letters G-R-A-C-E: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

The late Rolfe Barnard, a preacher and evangelist, explained it this way: “Grace is God’s favour that gives us what we do not deserve.” Or, as G. Campbell Morgan said, “Grace is love in action.”

We all need God’s grace.

Noah found grace in a time when wickedness prevailed on earth. He found grace as he obeyed God’s command and served Him by building an ark while others, ungodly, looked on without faith, probably mocking and jeering him.

If you have ever been in a situation where you have been prone to discouragement, take a close look at Noah’s life. He trusted and obeyed God in a wicked world, for hundreds of years, seeing little to no fruit from his ministry, and then endured the biggest storm that has ever rocked the world.

When all was said and done, God blessed him and did a new work through him.

His story teaches us that we can trust God through anything. Take heart, my friend, God loves you and gives you unlimited access to HIs wonderful grace!

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