block letters of FEAR

Don’t be Afraid

Has fear ever held you back?

Are you afraid to do the right thing in a certain situation?

Maybe you feel like you want to get out of the boat and walk on water–but you’re afraid.

Maybe you’re afraid of having faith. You know that Jesus can do something really remarkable, and you hope He does, but, truth be told, you’re afraid.

This message from Matthew 14 is for you.

Just click above to play.


  1. Thank you for the sermon on “Fear and Not To Be Afraid. I read along in Matthew 14 and it spoke to me. Especially, when you said it does not say how far Peter walked out to meet Jesus or how they returned back to the boat. Maybe Jesus was alongside him in returning back to the boat. I weeped. I struggle with being courageous.. It’s still a daily struggle for me. I continue to pray for courage to act. Thank you again.

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