There are some 1500 Calvary Chapel churches around the world. That’s 1500 men who teach the Bible every week. At this conference, many of the speakers are not the “popular” guys that have spoken in years past. It is always a blessing to hear men like Greg Laurie, Levi Lusko, …
Before it Begins: 2015 Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors’ Conference
The 2015 Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors’ Conference is a few hours away from kicking off. This conference takes place every year in California. This will be the third time that I have attended. (I’ve missed the last two years, but was able to come before that.) The theme of the …
Two Steps to Avoid Temptation
We are all tempted. Talking about it to people who love and know us well is important. I wrote about that here. How we deal with temptation is a huge indicator of our health and maturity as a Christian. Jesus lays out a simple two step plan to avoid temptation. …
What would you like to drink?
I have recently finished reading the major and minor prophets in the Bible. Their content is largely calling God’s people back to Him. They were written because God’s people had sinned; they had forsaken Him, the One who made them and loved them, and they were serving false gods, doing …
Wanna be in Full Time Ministry? Guess what?
I had the honour of speaking at a luncheon for church staff and lay leaders as a precursor to a conference in Ontario, Canada. In attendance at the luncheon was perhaps twenty or thirty Christian workers – some paid staff, most, I think, volunteers. My first question to them was “How …
What Not To Do When You Are Discouraged
Yesterday, ran an article I wrote about what to do when you are discouraged. In it, I talk about three things not to do and the one thing you need to do. Discouragement grabs all of us; if we’re not careful, it can choke us. John Trapp said, “Despair is Satan’s …
Calvary Chapel: Ten Years of Ministry in Toronto
This coming Saturday night I have the honour of speaking at a special service at Calvary Chapel Toronto commemorating ten years of ministry for this wonderful church. I’ll be speaking on the great subject of God’s Faithfulness. When I taught through the book of Genesis, I was struck with the …