Before it Begins: 2015 Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors’ Conference

The 2015 Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors’ Conference is a few hours away from kicking off.

This conference takes place every year in California. This will be the third time that I have attended. (I’ve missed the last two years, but was able to come before that.)

The theme of the conference this year is “Things That Matter”. The main sessions will cover topics like our calling, faith, worship, inerrancy, culture, and the Holy Spirit. Other topics will be covered in workshops.

Recently, before I knew the topics, I took some time to think about the things that matter to me as a pastor. Here they are.

  1.  Spiritual Life. By this I mean the importance of cultivating a really close walk with Jesus through prayer, worship, living the Scriptures, holiness, personal evangelism, etc.). This is priority número uno!
  2. Family Life. I want to be the best husband and dad I can be. Many are farther down the road, and I want to learn from them.
  3. Pastoral Leadership. God has called me to be a disciple maker and a Bible communicator. And to do that you have to be a culture relator.

I never tire of hearing great information about any of these areas.

Like any conference, class, experience, or relationship we get out of it what we put into it. If we come eager for Jesus to move in our lives, I believe He will.

If our motivation is sour, our experience likely will be as well.

In addition to gleaning information and insights, we are here to meet with Jesus. We all need to be closer to Him.

I am also excited to hear and see what God is up to through Calvary Chapel throughout the world.

These next few days I am expecting will be a time of renewed vision, great fellowship, passionate worship, and encouraging and challenging messages.

Thanks in advance to the team at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa,, and the leadership of the movement for putting this together.


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