Urgent: Important Devotion on Complaining

There was no water. They were thirsty. Hundreds of thousands of people needed something to drink. That’s a crisis!

So they got together….and complained against their leaders.

It happened a few thousands years ago. Moses and Aaron were on the receiving end of their quarrelling words.

Words like this: “It would have been better for us die! Why have you brought us here?!”

They should have known better. (You can read more in the Bible, Numbers 20.)

God was getting ready to do a miracle.

Here’s the really great thing. In spite of the complaining and unbelief and angst against their leadership, God still did the miracle! He gave them water out of the rock.

That’s grace.

Their complaining though, angered Moses to the point where he misrepresented God. He was not allowed, then, to enter into the promised land.

Leaders are held to a higher standard.

God loves us so much. Even in our stubborn, sinful ways, He blesses us. Sometimes we pay a price and miss out on everything He wants to do.

Let’s not complain.

Here’s my challenge for us today. Go through the day without complaining.

Philippians 2:14 says to do all things without complaining or grumbling.

Have a Philippians 2:14 day!

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