Book of Micah Summary

Main Idea

Micah speaks of approaching judgment and punishment on both Israel and Judah for their rebellion (Micah 3:5-12), while also looking forward to the coming of the Messiah for ultimate deliverance (Micah 7:14-20). 

Explanation of Main Idea

Micah announces a strong coming of God to punish His people for their rebellion (Micah 1:2-7). Idols will be smashed (Micah 1:7) and Micah will “lament and wail…(and) walk barefoot and naked” (Micah 2:8) as he calls for the leaders of Israel to repent (Micah 2:16). Because of all the injustice in the land, disaster is imminent (Micah 2:2). The people, nonetheless, reject God’s Word, telling Micah to “quit preaching” (Micah 2:6).

God promises that His people will one day be regathered “like a sheep in a pen” (Micah 2:12). Even though the leaders are corrupt, Micah preaches to them “filled with power by the Spirit of the Lord, with justice and courage, to proclaim to Jacob his rebellion and to Israel his sin” (Micah 3:8). Looking forward to the “last days” Micah reveals that the Lord’s house in Jerusalem will be the center of instruction and justice in a new kingdom (Micah 4:1-3). The last days will be a time of prosperity, miracles, forgiveness, and compassion (Micah 7:15-20).


The purpose of the book of Micah is to show that God remembers His covenant and will hold people accountable who break it. But He also forgives those who trust Him and will ultimate restore His people Israel to their land in a perfect and beautiful kingdom. 

Leading Themes

  • Rebellion will be punished

God does not look the other way when people are living in sin. He will hold them accountable, often using destruction and disaster in the process (Micah 1:1-7).

  • The Regathering of Israel

A day is coming when Israel will be will be gathered to live in a new land, with God as their King and Leader (Micah 2:12-13). When they are gathered anew, it will be a time of peace and prosperity and rule by the Lord forever (Micah 4:1-5).

  • Leaders are accountable

Micah is careful to call out the leaders for their sin of leading people astray. He accuses them of hating what is good and loving evil and taking advantage of the people (Micah 3:1-2). These false prophets will be judged (Micah 3:5-7)

  • The Role of the Word of God

Micah was emotionally involved in his message, lamenting and wailing (Micah 1:8). God’s Word came to him (Micah 1:1), he was filled with power by the Spirit of the Lord (Micah 3:8) to bring this important message.

How Does This Relate To Us?

We need to know that sin will be punished. God takes holiness and justice very seriously. If the nations of Judah and Israel were held accountable for their ways, we will be held accountable for ours. God loves to forgive, however, and if we repent and change our ways, we will be forgiven.

But it is important, as well, to remember that God will bring about an ultimate restoration. There is a new land coming! It will be a place of perfect commerce and peace and instruction by the Lord. 

We also need to understand the responsibility of leadership. People follow. If we lead into sin, some will go into sin–and God will hold us accountable. This is a grave reminder to always keep our eyes and ministries focused upon the Lord.

Study Questions

Textual Questions

  1. Read Micah 1:2-7. Would you agree that this is pretty strong language? Why do you think Micah began his message this way?
  2. Read Micah 6:6-8. What does the Lord want from people?
  3. Micah 2:7 says that God’s Word brings good. Is there any prerequisite for this? Why do some people reject God’s word?

Life Application Questions

  1. Read Micah 2:1-2. What do you think about when you are laying in bed at night? What does this tell you about yourself?
  2. Look at how Micah describes himself in Micah 3:8. Have you ever felt like this? Describe a ministry effort in which this was the case.
  3. Read Micah 7:18-20. How does this description of God shape your relationship with Him?

By Velocity Design


  1. Wow!Wow!Wow!

    Am so blessed and we’ll ministered to.

    This has really helped me and opened my eyes on what to expect from the book of Micah.

    May the Lord increase you and may He reveal Himself more and more to you.

  2. My comment comes in a question form. Please pardon me.
    I understand that back then in the days of old, Israel was divided into two; the northern kingdom as Israel and the southern kingdom as Judah.

    My question is: What is the position today?. Is Israel still divided?
    Please kindly explain.

    Thank you.

  3. Wonderful to find this!!! I’m teaching Micah in the Denton County jail today, and leaving the ladies with this wonderful summary. Thanks! God bless you. Kim

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