BIO headshot-Feb 2014“‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 4:6

Short Version

Long Version:

I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Crazy, right?) My family was Catholic, so I started going to youth group at our local church. Our youth director invited us to go to a Christian concert one Friday night at a place called Calvary Chapel. I will never forget that night. God was there and He showed me that He was real.

My mom died my senior year in high school. It was a huge faith building event in my life, as you could imagine. Another defining moment.

After high school graduation, I set off for the University of Miami, where I studied Music Engineering Technology. I got involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale, where I made some incredible friends. After graduation, I spent the summer in Quito, Ecuador with HCJB World Radio. I also had the amazing opportunity to go to Guayaquil, Ecuador to visit a child that I had been sponsoring through Compassion International. God used all of these experiences to teach me and prepare me for what lied ahead.

When I got back to the United States, I moved to Nashville and started working as a sound engineer for different artists, eventually landing a job at Opryland. But it wasn’t too long that I really starting sensing a call to be in ministry.

Eventually, I felt led to head back to Miami, where I started serving at Calvary Chapel Miami, leading worship, talking some groups on missions trips, working in media, discipleship, and teaching. It was there that I met my Cuban-American wife, Janet. We got married in 1997. I was on staff as a worship leader at Calvary Miami, but after I few years, God began to stir my heart and I began to sense a restlessness. Wanting and needing a season of seeking the Lord, I enrolled in Calvary Chapel Bible College.

It wasn’t long after that, that God began to stir my heart to move to the Toronto area to plant a church. So we packed everything up and headed north!

After just under eleven months of living in Canada, my wife, Janet, got pregnant and our unborn son was diagnosed with several heart defects that would require multiple surgeries and hospitalizations. What a huge blow! Another defining moment, another opportunity to trust the Lord. We decided to move back to Florida so we could be close to family during what would end up being one of the most difficult times in our lives.

Without a job and living with my in-laws, life was crazy! God opened the door to serve as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Kendall. We saw the church grow tremendously over the roughly five years of being on staff. It was a great season, in spite of the mighty trials! But there was a still small voice and a calling that I couldn’t shake.

When all the surgeries were completed, and our son was doing good, I prayerfully made a crazy decision. We headed back to the Toronto area to re-plant what is now Calvary Chapel Oakville. After eight years of leading this church, we handed it off to Paul Fernando, and we headed to Ottawa to help with another church. Calvary Fellowship of Ottawa.

Now God has called us back to the USA, where I am now pastoring Calvary Chapel Casa Grande, about 40 miles south of Phoenix.

So that’s my story! At least part of it! I’d love to hear your story. Shoot me an email or give me a call and we can grab a coffee if you’re ever in the Phoenix area. I really mean it!

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  1. Hi, I just found you or better yet God lead me to you. I’m leading a study in Job and needed more insight and thanks you gave that. I too attend a Calvary Chapel church here in Beaumont California. We are living in times as God prophesied and I want to seek wisdom in God’s word.
    I will be using your commentaries a lot!! Thanks Leslie

    1. Author

      Thanks Leslie, for your encouragement. So glad these articles are helpful for you! Blessings!

  2. Thanks for summary of Ezekial i was given Ezekial this morning upon awakening for contemplation and direction in my journey to grow in ministry.

  3. Thank you so much for posting your Bible studies of the books of the Old testament online. We are from Atlanta Georgia and feeling fortunate to come across your blog. We have been following your studies and are looking forward to all of them. This has been such a huge blessing because the books of the Old testament are so intimidating to study alone. Especially as a lay person. The way you break it down makes it very accessible. Thank you!

  4. Hello ~ a surprise message for you: I was Caleb’s grade 5 teacher in Oakville and remember your family fondly. I was recently organizing some old files and came across a book series recommendation that your son gave me “Light Keepers: Ten Boys”, which prompted me to Google Search your name, recalling that I heard about your move to Ottawa. I read your brief bio on this site; wow, what an interesting & adventurous journey your life has been. I hope that you are all doing well. 😀

    1. Author

      Thanks, Helena! We are in Arizona now, and my, how life has changed! We miss our time in Canada and hope you are doing well. Caleb is in 10th grade and doing great!

  5. Dear Pat,

    I see myself in every part of your story, and I want to use your wisdom! sorry I forgot to mention, I am Nathan from India.

    I need your way of telling the Bible from Genesis to Revelation…

    Give me permission to copy your publication for use in India.

  6. Hello, Don’t know how I accidentally came across your information, but was drawn to your thoughts. I’m 62, trying to find my direction for God! I need help in studying and applying God’s word. I have been blessed with seeing visions and I don’t know how to share them! I was interested in seminary classes, but the pandemic forced not to attend. Just need a push in the right direction

  7. Very nice summary with simple English. But you may give an example of devtional advice i.e apply in our today culture.

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