Here’s a provocative sixty second video spot about happy people who may not be so happy. Everybody is fatally infected and needs to be rescued. We are using it as a invite to think about the gospel and to come to Calvary. Watch it and share it with your friends!
How to be a Dad: A Fathers’ Day Story
I was overwhelmed. It was July 9 or maybe July 10, 2003. It wasn’t Fathers’ Day, but you might say it was for me. It was my first few days as a father. She was just a little baby. The tinniest thing. She was in the car – a brand new …
Here’s a Big Relationship Tip: Say “I’m Sorry”
When was the last time you said, “I’m sorry”? In relationships over the course of your life, you are either going to learn to apologize or learn to build walls. Genesis 29-31 gives the account of Laban and Jacob. At the end of their relationship, Jacob explodes, telling Laban how much …
An Open Letter to the Class of 2014
Dear Class of 2014, I graduated from Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1985. (You can do the math to figure out my age!) Some four years later, I graduated from University of Miami’s Music Engineering Technology program. (Go ‘Canes!) Lastly, and most notably, I graduated from …
Reacting to Deception, Bitterness, Favouritism, & Hatred (Genesis 27-28)
How do you react when you face deception, bitterness, favouritism, or hatred? The Bible is about Jesus. Every book, every chapter, dare I say, every verse exists for the purpose of pointing us eventually to the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin. He fulfilled many …
Need a Space Suit?
We are taking some of our radio spots and turning them into “video spots”. Not everybody has time to listen to a 45-60 minute sermon, but everybody has time to listen to a 60 second “sermon”! The idea with these spots is to present a quick, hard-hitting, thought-provoking, Bible-focused, life-changing …
Mothers’ Day: Being a Godly Mom
Mothers’ Day is tomorrow. It is a time to honour our moms. My wife has been one now for over ten years. My respect and admiration for her has only increased as I have watched her mother our three kids. I have seen the incredible work load. I have walked with her through difficulty. I smile …