Radio Spot Samples

#1: “Real Christianity”



HOST: Now you’re plugged into Calvary Talk. Here’s Pastor Pat.

PAT: News Flash: Being a Christian is not about obeying a bunch of rules and regulations. Check out the book of Galatians. It was written to correct the wrong belief that in order to be a good Christian, in order to be saved, you have to obey a bunch of rules. That’s not true.

The Christians in the region of Galatia were straying away from a pure and simple relationship with Jesus. They were defining their Christianity based on what they were doing. It had become external. How about you? Are you trying to be a good Christian? Listen. You are saved by faith through grace. You can’t earn salvation. Real Christianity is based on faith in Jesus, not trying to be good.

HOST: Thanks for listening to Calvary Talk. Be sure to visit our website at
If you live in the Oakville area, we’d like to invite you to visit Calvary Fellowship.
For more information, or to get in touch with us, check out our website at


#2: “Go for It!”



HOST: Now you’re plugged into Calvary Talk. Here’s Pastor Pat.

PAT: What is God calling you to do? It could be, like Paul, to bear the name of Jesus unto a special group of people. There are those who are specifically called by God to reach Muslims, to reach Mormons, to reach maybe people from a certain country, France or Kenya. Some feel called to serve Jesus among the poor, the neglected, or disadvantaged. Some sense that God is calling them to minister to athletes or business people, or to fight for justice and rescue people who are being abused.

Those are all awesome callings, worthy callings, important callings.

God has uniquely wired you to serve Him in some capacity. May I encourage you to pray, seek the Lord fervently, then go for it!

HOST: Thanks for listening to Calvary Talk. Be sure to visit our website at
If you live in the Oakville area, we’d like to invite you to visit Calvary Fellowship.
For more information, or to get in touch with us, check out our website at


#3: “Salvation is of the Lord”



HOST: Now you’re plugged into Calvary Talk. Here’s Pastor Pat.

PAT: Jonah 2:9 says, Salvation is of the Lord! True conversion comes from God. Salvation is a a spiritual event. It is the greatest miracle. Have you ever tried to convince someone that they need to be saved? We can explain the concept of atonement, we can read the Scriptures to someone, we can give them videos and literature and point them to web sites, but unless God opens their eyes they won’t get it. Real salvation is more profound any other miracle. 1 Timothy 2:4 says God wants all men to be saved. Salvation IS the plan and purpose of God. He wants to save people. Our part is to pray, believe, and share the message of the cross with the world.

HOST: Thanks for listening to Calvary Talk. Be sure to visit our website at
If you live in the Oakville area, we’d like to invite you to visit Calvary Fellowship.
For more information, or to get in touch with us, check out our website at