This Is Levi’s Corner

The place to learn more about me

Hello, I’m Levi Lucas Sieler this is my page on my dad’s website. Here is a great spot to look around watch videos and learn more about me so go head!!

First, watch a video that I made when I was younger!

This is me teaching people how to make a tortilla from scratch.

Hope you enjoy it!

About Me

So as you probably already know I’m Levi Sieler right now I’m 10 years old. I have an older brother, also an older sister and an older dog, yes that’s true our dog is older than me!! We live in Ottawa, ON in Canada. My dad is an associate pastor for Cavalry Chapel Ottawa, and my mom does groceries, laundry, most of the cooking, etc. like that around the house stuff.

I like to be active like playing sports such as football, soccer, basketball, so on, overall sports my favorite sport is American football, my favorite team is the Seattle Seahawks. I also like making websites like this one. Well, just this page. If you want to see a website I made click here. I made other websites too like for the seahawks. And also made some just for fun. Another thing I like to do often is, ride my bike in trails in nature and that leads to another thing I like, nature. I just love walking, running, judging, or biking in the forest, in trails, on the side of the beach anywhere in nature. And here are the most important things that mean alot to me, is spending time with family and now the most important thing that means alot to me and would mean the same to you is Jesus Christ. He should be the number one priority in your whole entire life.

In 2021 we moved to Arizona, because my dad was offered a job at Calvary Chapel Casa Grande. We like our life here and are still adjusting somewhat, but overall there are no big complaints about moving here.

Facts On Me

  1. I came to know Jesus Christ when I was 3
  2. I play bass guitar, piano, and right now I’m learning how to play guitar
  3. Just like I said I’m the youngest of our family just like my dad was the youngest in his family.
  4. I have moved three times in my life
  5. I played with the Kanata Knights and we won the Acup (it’s like the AFC or NFC championship) and we also won the inter provincial bowl (it’s like winning the superbowl)
Look for me in both of these videos. I’m #90 as cornerback.